Top Tips for Leaving University

Jamie HarperLancaster Student Life

So, you’ve just spent the last three years, or maybe longer, adapting to student life, living independently but just as you feel you’ve got the hang of it all, your course is coming to an end and your graduation is looming. We’ve put together some top tips for leaving university and getting the most out of those final days on campus.


This is an exciting time! The world is your oyster, whether you decide to take a year out from university and travel, or jump into your first entry level job – this is the start of a lifetime of great experiences, giving you the opportunity to put everything you’ve learnt into practice, but where do you start?


Well, the best time and place to start is while you are on campus. Your university will have a whole host of services available to you, while you are a student, so it’s important to make the most of it while it’s free! Contact your careers advice department, scour their information and make an appointment to see an advisor. Not only will they help you to make those all-important decisions, but a careers advisor at university has a wealth of knowledge and information to help you get to where you want to go. There are tons of graduate schemes available, and your careers advice centre, will have information on the Top 100 companies to work for, along with the details on how to apply. Ask for the Times 100 catalogue, which is released every year, and not to be missed!


Next up is finance – speak to the finance department about preparing for leaving university. This could involve, changing your bank account for a better rate with a graduate account, looking at savings and investments and generally getting a head start when it comes to finances.


Speak to your lecturers and student services about work experience, preferably as early as possible. Whatever you can do to enhance your CV upon leaving university, the better your chances are for securing a great position within a great company.


Of course, if you are thinking about a gap year or travelling prior to settling down, the university can help with that too. There’s also a wealth of information online, with lots of package deals available specifically for students and graduates. Getting organised early will undoubtedly help alleviate any worries you may have and build your confidence, so you’ll know exactly what to do when leaving university.