Top Tips for Settling In at Uni

Jamie HarperLancaster Student Life

Starting university can be a daunting time, with a lot of things to think about. For many people, this could also be your first time living away from home and everything from doing your washing, to cooking and shopping, may be a completely new experience. We’ve put together our top tips for settling in at uni, to help you get started on your new journey and alleviate any anxiety you may feel.


It’s a good idea to start by talking to other people that may have been through a similar experience. They may be able to give you some helpful tips to avoid making any mistakes. Speak to the university too, as they have a wealth of information and deal with people just like yourself on a daily basis. Many universities have a whole host of services on campus, to help you get settled in and begin your studies with ease. This includes everything from student services, to finance, careers, disability services and much more.


Make the most of fresher’s week, as this will allow you to meet other people just like yourself and you’ll probably find they have the same worries and concerns as you. Fresher’s week gives you an opportunity to take part in many social events, as well as join lots of clubs and societies. By the end of fresher’s week, you’ll be much more confident and settled into uni life. Just remember, that anything unfamiliar is going to feel daunting to begin with, but that is part of the many skills you will develop during your time at university.



It’s a good idea to take some time to familiarise yourself with the area, as well as campus. Once you have your bearings, you’ll be much more confident getting around, visiting new places and meeting new people. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Whether that is going to your course leader, lecturer or reaching out to student services, the chances are, they will have the answers or at least be able to point you in the direction of someone who does. It is a lot easier to reach out for help, than find yourself worrying for no reason. Embrace your time at university, and get involved in as much as you can, as this is the time to try new things and ultimately discover yourself.