Best Money Saving Tips for Students

Jamie HarperSaving Money

Getting your student loan at the start of term may seem great at first. But with student accommodation to pay for, along with essential student items and furnishing your new digs, you may soon find yourself running round handing out CVs to raise some weekend cash. There is good news though, being a student doesn’t have to be expensive, and neither do you have to sacrifice those fresher events to scrape by. There are plenty of ways to get the most of your time in university, with these money saving tips for students.

Start by making the most of student deals around the start of term. There are plenty of shops in Lancaster with student discounts available, enabling you to save tons of cash on the latest laptops or mobile phone contract. If you’re buying your gadgets from somewhere like Curry’s, then be sure to check out their 0% interest plan – with no interest to pay, you could keep the cash in the bank and spread payments over a longer term.

If your bank balance won’t quite stretch to the latest brand new iPad or laptop, take a look in some of Lancaster’s second hand stores for drop down prices on some of the biggest brand gadgets. CEX in Lancaster is one of the more popular stores for student laptop offers, with huge savings to be made, if you’re willing to take on a used item.

When it comes to planning meals, you can get some great bulk buys on Lancaster market, so instead of paying a fortune for ready made meals, make a huge batch of soups and stews and split them into freezer bags. It definitely pays to shop around!

You can also save tons of cash on student nights out in Lancaster. Many pubs, bars and restaurants hold competitions on social media, as well as announcing early bird or free tickets for events, so it’s worth following them to get in on the best deals! Check with the venue whether they offer a student discount too. It’s always worth asking and you could bag yourself a super cheap ticket for some headline events in Lancaster and beyond.

Stuck for something to wear and you’ve been invited on that all important freshers night out in Lancaster? Take advantage of some of Lancaster’s fab thrift stores, where you can find a huge selection of new and used items to line your wardrobe with some great fashion finds.