The Best Spots in Lancaster to Study and Revise

AsherGeneral Student Living, Lancaster Student Life

For all our University Students, we know that it’s essential for you to find a space that helps you study for both exams and assignments. Now you’re living in off-campus student accommodation closer to Lancaster city centre, you may not be aware of the best study spots… That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best places to get your head down in Lancaster.

Local Libraries

For many students, the most obvious place to go and do a day’s uni work is the library, and whilst Lancaster University and The University of Cumbria both have fantastic libraries, they don’t always work for everyone. If working somewhere with background noise works for you, maybe the University library is the best option when considering where to study. However, many students may feel they already spend enough time on campus and need a break from it completely. Luckily for you, there is Lancaster Library! Located within the town centre, Lancaster Library is open and free to all with everything you need for a productive day of uni work. One thing to keep in mind is that it does close between 5 and 7pm each day, but this may also help some students develop healthier study schedules.

Your Student Accommodation

Whilst some people may find the thought of working in their room/student home a nightmare, for others it’s a sanctuary where they’re most productive. Whether you’re living in a cosy terraced house near The University of Cumbria, or a massive student home in Lancaster centre, making your bedroom the perfect space for you is not only good for your mental health, but it allows you to create an environment in which you work best, benefitting your grades too. Now we do know in student accommodation it can often feel like starting with a blank canvas, but even small things like adding plants, personal photos of family/friends and some cosy blankets can help you create a nice calm space, perfect for studying hard alone, or with your housemates.

Local Café’s

As we mentioned before, some people like a little bit of background noise to boost their concentration. If this is you, then there’s nowhere better to study than a café, as you can quietly concentrate on your work as you watch the world go by. The Herbarium and Atkinsons Cafés are great places to visit to study as they’re cosy, peaceful environments with enough going on to keep you motivated but not too much as to distract you (bonus points for the excellent food and drink you can enjoy there too!) Whether you’re reading a book, working on paper, or using your laptop, almost all the cafes located in Lancaster town centre will be able to accommodate you.

Outdoor Spaces

If the hustle and bustle of local cafés do not work in helping you be productive, Lancaster has lots of lovely open outdoor spaces that may help to concentrate and work hard. Williamson Park is one of Lancaster’s most popular outdoor spots and has plenty of benches, tables and open spaces for you to sit and study, with a backdrop of some of the most stunning views of Lancaster and the peak district.

Wherever you decide to study, we hope you have a productive and positive term at University!